Quick, easy, protein packed recipes. Oh and they’re vegan too.


bit more about the book

Okay so this is mad. A book, written all by me, and actually coming out in the shops. When I started on socials, I didn’t think this would be the outcome, matter of fact I did not think it would happen this fast. But I wanna take this moment to say that you lot did this. And I would not have had the opportunity to write this book had it not be for you lot. So this book, although with my name on the front of it, is your book, and hopefully, your favourite vegan cookbook you own.

You can buy it now in the UK and Ireland, and see it in the bookshops too!

The book is also coming to USA, Australia, and is BEING translated into OTHER LANGUAGES (somehow). So keep an eye out on my socials for the latest updates.

Calum x

Book is available in hardback and an e-book. UK & IE only.